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If you were reading a book or magazine and saw something you wanted to check out online, it’d require you to put the piece down and get on your computer to look it up. What a hassle, right? It entirely breaks the flow of the reading experience and pulls you out of the content.

With Instant Flipbook, though, readers can enjoy the familiar comfort turning the pages while also getting extra value through active links that take them directly to connected websites any time they want. This gives you the perfect opportunity to add supplemental materials, boost sales with special online offers and deals, or engage your readers with transmedia storytelling.

Plus, your flipbook links can be internal, helping readers navigate with ease, linking relevant topics, or guiding them through the content in a particular order you set down. But don’t worry about having to include all these internal links manually. Instant Flipbook engages automatic link detection during PDF uploads, saving you massive amounts of time!

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